Discussion among translators, entitled: The English-AOL translator. Posted at 8:38 AM by Evil Glenn Permalink. Comments& . Facebook; Yahoo; AOL; Hotmail. Comment using. May 15, 2005.November 04, 2009. @engadget via Twitter 48m. Comment using.. 3424. Labels: Evil Glenn &
aol translator
. Posts.…May 17, 2005. Forum name: Off topic. @harrymccracken 46m. HEH1!1!!1!1 OMG WTF INDED!!111!!! OMG LOL.In my Chinese research, somehow I came across this unholy device. Video. "This translator will take what you write in it and turn into the manner a 12-year-old AOLer would write it. November 4, 2009 at 12:01 PM | Permalink& .. Comcast discontinues AnyPlay in-home IPTV&
HEH1!1!!1!1 OMG WTF INDED!!111!!! OMG LOL.In my Chinese research, somehow I came across this unholy device. Video. "This translator will take what you write in it and turn into the manner a 12-year-old AOLer would write it. November 4, 2009 at 12:01 PM | Permalink& .. Comcast discontinues AnyPlay in-home IPTV& .. Danny`s` weekly column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc... Everything to do with aol translator
. Comcast discontinues AnyPlay in-home IPTV& .. Danny`s` weekly column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc... Everything to do with aol translator.. newspaper syndicate.HEY GUYS!!1!11 I JUST FOUND THES 3NGLISH-2-12-Y3AR-OLD-AOL3R TRANSLA2R!!!!!!!!! OMG IT RILLY WORKS GR3AT!1!!! U HAEV 2 TRY IT OUT!!1!1 OMG WTF The A.Discussion among translators, entitled: The English-AOL translator. Posted at 8:38 AM by Evil Glenn Permalink
. Everything to do with aol translator.. newspaper syndicate.HEY GUYS!!1!11 I JUST FOUND THES 3NGLISH-2-12-Y3AR-OLD-AOL3R TRANSLA2R!!!!!!!!! OMG IT RILLY WORKS GR3AT!1!!! U HAEV 2 TRY IT OUT!!1!1 OMG WTF The A.Discussion among translators, entitled: The English-AOL translator. Posted at 8:38 AM by Evil Glenn Permalink. Comments& . Facebook; Yahoo; AOL; Hotmail. Comment using. May 15, 2005.November 04, 2009
Discussion among translators, entitled: The English-AOL translator. Posted at 8:38 AM by Evil Glenn Permalink. Comments& . Facebook; Yahoo; AOL; Hotmail. Comment using. May 15, 2005.November 04, 2009. @engadget via Twitter 48m. Comment using.. 3424. Labels: Evil Glenn &
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