..Ok, one of my first learning experiences in black powder shooting was that you needed a certain barrel twist rates to stabilize the newer sabot bullets made. Going to a new rifled 50 cal inline (Traditions xl) so will be moving on from my old thompson center smooth bore and& . my inline muzzleloader all I have used is the synthetic pellets with a sabot bullet.. If I was to use regular black powder (actually in a powder form and not pellets) would I need a wad between the powder and the sabot bullet?.Seller`s Comments and Description: I have a complete Black Powder shooting kit which includes caps, balls, sabots, patches and 2 cans of FFFg black powder along with all of the other accessories to load and shoot BP in revolvers and rifles.. Last years buck& .
blackpowder sabots
I have seen them at VLT and I do have a few. Replies: 1. Maybe the twist is too fast...District of Columbia prosecuting financial advisor for possession of a sabot.. They will be appearing in stores “within the& . Hi Prmo661 You do get sabots that can house a .40 bullet.
District of Columbia prosecuting financial advisor for possession of a sabot.. They will be appearing in stores “within the& . Hi Prmo661 You do get sabots that can house a .40 bullet... What weight is your bullet? Will you be using it for hunting? I think if you going to hunt, you should use at least a 300gr bullet.They`re illegal to hunt with here, you see, during the muzzleloading season (black powder season is for traditional frontstuffers only; the in-lines, scopes, 209 primers, and sabot bullets can be used during the regular rifle& . The sabots come in one caliber (.
.. What weight is your bullet? Will you be using it for hunting? I think if you going to hunt, you should use at least a 300gr bullet.They`re illegal to hunt with here, you see, during the muzzleloading season (black powder season is for traditional frontstuffers only; the in-lines, scopes, 209 primers, and sabot bullets can be used during the regular rifle& . The sabots come in one caliber (.. Last Post: 03-06-2012, 19:12& ....
. Last Post: 03-06-2012, 19:12& ......Ok, one of my first learning experiences in black powder shooting was that you needed a certain barrel twist rates to stabilize the newer sabot bullets made. Going to a new rifled 50 cal inline (Traditions xl) so will be moving on from my old thompson center smooth bore and& . my inline muzzleloader all I have used is the synthetic pellets with a sabot bullet.
..Ok, one of my first learning experiences in black powder shooting was that you needed a certain barrel twist rates to stabilize the newer sabot bullets made. Going to a new rifled 50 cal inline (Traditions xl) so will be moving on from my old thompson center smooth bore and& . my inline muzzleloader all I have used is the synthetic pellets with a sabot bullet.. If I was to use regular black powder (actually in a powder form and not pellets) would I need a wad between the powder and the sabot bullet?.Seller`s Comments and Description: I have a complete Black Powder shooting kit which includes caps, balls, sabots, patches and 2 cans of FFFg black powder along with all of the other accessories to load and shoot BP in revolvers and rifles.. Last years buck& .
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